Participation Opportunities

These are the previous consultation opportunities we held. You can see an archive of all the input that was provided by clicking on an opportunity below.

In the 2022 budget, the Provincial Government announced its intention to create a single, provincial health authority. Re-imagining our health system was recommended by Health Accord NL to help improve health and health outcomes through acceptance of and interventions in social determinants of health, and a higher quality health system that rebalances community, hospital, and long-term care services. 

Your feedback is important as we continue our transition planning.

Closed: December 23, 2022

This is your opportunity to have your say on how the Provincial Government can help increase the well-being of Newfoundlanders and Labradorians. This is also a chance to weigh in on the review of the Income Support program. We look forward to your input.

Closed: November 10, 2022

The humane treatment of animals is the Provincial Government’s top priority when enacting animal health and protection legislation in Newfoundland and Labrador. Strong federal and provincial legislation helps ensure the safety and well-being of all animals.

Updated: What We Heard 

The Public Procurement Agency (PPA) is developing a Social Procurement Policy to enhance the social impacts of the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador’s purchasing activities. The Public Procurement Agency wants to hear from stakeholders to ensure that any newly developed policy meets the needs and expectations of both residents, vendors, advocacy groups, and industry leaders in Newfoundland and Labrador.

Closed: April 12, 2022 

Le gouvernement provincial souhaite recueillir les commentaires des membres du personnel professionnel et paraprofessionnel de l’enseignement, de l’administration et d’autres parties intéressées afin de procéder à une révision complète de la Teacher Training Act [loi sur la formation du personnel enseignant] (la Loi) et des règlements connexes.

Date de fermeture : le 28 février 2022

The Provincial Government is seeking input from educators, administrators and other interested parties to help inform a comprehensive review of the Teacher Training Act (the Act) and associated Regulations.

Closed: February 28, 2022

This consultation process is intended to determine barriers to Foreign Qualification Recognition in Newfoundland and Labrador, and opportunities for improvement and elimination of barriers from the perspectives of newcomers, occupational regulators, employers and government departments.

Closed: June 17, 2022

Public Consultations on the Premier’s Economic Recovery Team’s Report

The Government of Newfoundland and Labrador thanks those who contributed to the consultation process by presenting their ideas and perspectives. Feedback from the engagement process is presented in the What We Heard document.

Updated: What We Heard



The Minimum Wage Review Committee wishes to thank those who participated in the consultation process. Feedback was used to inform the What We Heard document. 

Updated: What We Heard
